What are cookies and what are they for?
Why do we use cookies?
Cookies enable the Publisher to recognise the User’s device whenever they visit the Website and therefore to analyse their behaviour in order to improve the Website and optimise the User experience.
In the interest of transparency, the Publisher undertakes to explain in detail how Cookies are used, as indicated below.
Withdraw / Modify your consent
Which cookies do we use? How to withdraw your consent or change your cookie preferences?
Storage period
What is the maximum storage period of cookies?
Cookies can be stored for a maximum of thirteen (13) months from the obtaining of the User’s consent. The data collected via Cookies are then erased or anonymised.
Third party cookies
What are cookies sent by third parties?
The User is informed that the Publisher’s partners and any other third-party publishers, listed above, may deposit Cookies via the Website. These are referred to as “Third-Party Cookies”.
The issue and use of Cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy policies, as indicated above, and the cookie policies of these third parties in addition to the provisions of this Declaration.
Accept or block cookies
How can users manage cookies?
First, the User is informed that the Publisher’s partners and any other third party may place Cookies on the Website (“third-parties Cookies”). Only the issuer of a Cookie is likely to read or alter the information contained therein and the Publisher has no access to or control over the Cookies that third parties may use.
The sending and use of Cookies by third parties are subject to their privacy policies and cookie policy, in addition to the provisions of this Policy.
Accepting cookies
During the first visit of the Website, a banner informs the User of the presence of Cookies and invites the User to indicate his/her choice. They are only placed if User also accepts the saving of Cookies as follows:
- By clicking on the “OK” button that appears on the information banner visible at the bottom of the Website when they first log on to the Website;
- By continuing to browse, i.e. when the User clicks on an element of the Website (image, link etc.) or visits another page on the Website;
- By conducting a search, i.e. when the User uses the search engine or activates or disables the filters on pages that offer them (e.g. publications, press releases etc.).
- If the User agrees to Cookies being saved to their device, the Cookies embedded in the pages and content that they view may be stored temporarily in a dedicated space on their device. They can only be read by their issuer.
The User’s consent to Cookies will be stored for a period of 6 months.
Browser configuration
Users can control the saving of Cookies directly via the settings of their browser, to allow, block or delete them.
Browsers differ as regards managing Cookies and User preferences. These are described in the browser’s Help menu, which will inform the User how to change their Cookie preferences:
- For Chrome™: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647,
- For Internet Explorer™: https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies,
- For Edge™: https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies,
- For Firefox™: http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies,
- For Safari™: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411?locale=fr_CA
- For Opera™: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html
- For all other browsers, please consult directly the cookie management help pages available on the internet.
Piano Analytics (opt-out mode)
The “opt-out” option implemented by the Piano Analytics (AT Internet) service allows you to exclude your browsing data from this website, which uses the Piano Analytics (AT Internet) audience measurement service, which collects statistical data.
To activate this option, you must first activate the “analyticsOptOut” cookie. This activation ensures that your opt-out request will be recognised and stored each time you visit this website. This option will only be taken into account on the browser on which the opt-out cookie is set. If you do not activate this cookie, if you delete it later, or if you visit this website in private browsing mode, we will not be able to detect your request and we will continue to collect tracking data.
I understand that after activating this option, I will be counted as an internet user who refuses to be audited and that my browsing data will be excluded from the data returned by Piano Analytics (AT Internet).
If you have any queries, comments or complaints regarding these terms and conditions or our website, please contact us.